DGRA Award
The German Society for Regulatory Affairs is organising the DGRA Award 2025 for an outstanding recent scientific contribution (written in 2024/2025) in the field of drug regulatory affairs.
The submitted papers will be evaluated by a panel of experts who will select the winner of the award.
The award is endowed with EUR 5,000.
Papers can be submitted in bound form or as a PDF by e-mail and must include the following information: Author's first and last name, date of birth, address, nationality and professional position. The contributions can be written in English or German. Please send the contributions to:
Please send the documents by e-mail to lorenz@dgra.de or by post to DGRA e.V., Adenauerallee 15 in 53111 Bonn.
The closing date for entries is 15 August 2025.
For further information, please contact: