©Sarah Larissa Heuser
Becoming a member
The strong network for your professional success
Membership of the DGRA can be applied for by private individuals (natural members) or companies (legal entities).
You receive the following benefits as a member of the DGRA:
Further training
- Participation in workshops reserved for DGRA members
- Participation in the schools
- Discounted participation in the annual congress
Members' area
- Access (password) to the DGRA intranet
- Access to the content of our continuing education programs
- Access to the documents of the DGRA workshops and schools
- Access to the module documents of the “Master of Drug Regulatory Affairs” course
- Discuss with other members and publish job offers and applications in the internal area
- Extensive member database with search functions
- Convenient change of address
- Registration forms for events
- Participant certificates for DGRA events
Members' newsletter dgra-aktuell
- Inclusion in the mailing list for member newsletters
Extra for corporate members
- Corporate members can publish job advertisements on our website free of charge.
- If an employee of a company member takes part in the MDRA course, the membership fee can be credited against the tuition fee.
- The company can register any number of people for DGRA events at the membership price.
- Participation certificates for all employees who have taken part in DGRA events are available on the intranet.
Membership fee
The membership fee for private individuals is € 110 and € 1,500 for corporate members.
Membership can be terminated with three months' notice to the end of the year. Otherwise membership is automatically renewed.
Membership applications
You can apply for membership as a company member or as a private individual using the following online forms.
Application membership for companies